The Insomnia

Insomnia or as known as sleeplessness is not a kind of disease. Every people will suffer from this insomnia at least once in their life. There are several stages of insomnia. Insomnia lasting one week or less may be termed transient insomnia ; short-term insomnia lasts more than one week but resolves in less than three weeks; and long-term or chronic insomnia lasts more than three weeks. This is due to my research because I got the difficulty to sleep during my final exam early in this month. I was exactly don't know what to do when its turn to night and midnight and morning. I felt tired and sleepy but I just could'nt close my eyes. At dawn, I could sleep. Too many ways I had done to be back to my normal life, but the result was still the same. However, this symptom had gone after a week. Im glad for that. Fuhh.. The causes of insomnia is such as; weight gain changes in sleeping lifestyle too much stress lack of exercise...