Coffee Lover
Do you even know that two cups of coffee a day can cut 10% overall risk of dying? Study shows that coffee can prevent people from breast cancer, risk of diabetes, and heart disease.
"There may actually be a modest benefit of coffee drinking," said lead researcher of National Cancer Institute.
It's not at the stage to recommend especially for women who don't drink coffee to start drinking. More large prospective studies should be done to further clarify the role of coffee among different subgroups. True! It is said that women consuming coffee should feel reassurance that coffee in general is not a harmful substance, and may even offer some health benefits.
However, do not add too much sugar or cream to your cup of coffee because it can contribute to weight gain and insulin resistance, which is related to increased risk of endometrial cancer.
Nevertheless, also drink filtered coffee rather than boiled, because filtering removes compounds that raise LDL cholesterol.
Each cup of coffee per day nudged up the chances of living longer. So, let's have a cup of coffee !

P/S; I do not choose Starbucks Coffee. Because I'm a Muslim.
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