How Denim (jeans) Are Made

Denim or as known as Jeans that you have in your cupboard right now is made from cotton fibre. Do you know that? It comes from bale form after the harvest took place and it goes to the blowroom process in the factory to be opened, cleaned, and mixed all them together. There are several types of cotton fibre in one bales. So the quality of the product later on is according to their types of fibre. After the blowroom process, the fibre will be sent to carding machine and during this process, the fibres will be more parallel, cleaned, and blended. After blowroom and carding is combing (optional). Combing process occurred to straighten the hooks from the fibre and eliminate all the dust and short fibre so it become more clean and parallel. You will get a finer and high quality of yarn later. The cost of the final product is high. The next process is drawing. It is used to blend the fibre and combining several ty...