Why Graduates are Unemployed?

Hello assalam,

It is hard to believe that we cannot predict our future (faith). Those further their studies are mostly because of they wanted to have a good job with high salaries later. Some of them just wanted a to have self achievement and for their own satisfaction. Actually, the "rezeki" is depends on Allah. The one whom does not further study also can be success if Allah let her/him be. The keyword of success is "hardwork". If you do more, you will get more. The bonus is to be a lucky person which is 'rezeki'. 

But what do I wanna highlight here is the education system in Malaysia. Can you see that graduates out there are still struggling to find a good job? For fresh graduates nowadays, the rate of basic salary is RM2500-RM3000. But still there are few companies that offer a very low starter for the fresh graduates. RM1500 for a degree/master graduates? That does not fair! No need to pursue study if we just can get that diploma rates of salary, right? They pay us with our knowledge just like that.. How do we want to live with that number of salary? We have loan to be paid and we have family to take care of. The higher the education, the higher the cost. These days the the increasing of living cost makes life harder. To have rough idea;

1. PTPTN Loan (RM200+)
2. Fuel and Tol (RM300-RM500) if Seremban to Bangi
3. Phone Bill (RM50)
4. Meals (RM200) only RM10 per day
5. Rent house (RM200)
6. Parents/ Family (depends on the wages)
7. For yourself?

We wanted to get paid fairly. Who wanna pay the struggle of our parents to raise us and to give us a better education? Still cost thousands of money. Then? How do we pay them? Please understand that.. Unless the SPM level, they do not have education loan, and their parents also does not need to invest money on education. 

The education system in Malaysia is just to bring people to further study without giving any guarantee for the job. The hiring is another topic, maybe depends on a person's skill selling themselves during the interview session. But the job opportunities are still lacking for the fresh graduates. And for the government, the chance of getting the SPA8 is poor if we do not use any people inside the organization (orang dalam). There is an urge to overcome these problem. 

We are not demanding. We just want to have a good and better life. We want to be hired with a reasonable salary. Suits the tasks and our education. Please.. Now the chance of hiring is low but if we get the job, please make it worth.

That is why most people started to focus on being an entrepreneur because being a boss is more satisfying. People tends to be more creative and innovative. 

Thank you for reading. I'm just sharing my thought. No harm~


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